Instructional Coaches

What do Instructional Coaches do? 

• Provide Powerful Professional Development to Teachers
– Uncover strengths and skills
– Build expertise for best instructional practices
– Facilitate relationship building with skilled consultants to network and learn from experts

• Facilitate a Collaborative Teaching and Learning Experience
– Support teachers by providing resources to support classroom learning
– Learn and share the most up to date pedagogy and instructional best practices
– Co-teach with teachers to plan, teach, de-brief and examine student work in order to identify next steps in instruction

• Analyze School Performance and Use Data to Drive Instruction
        – Using performance data to shape daily classroom interventions for successful educational experiences for all students 

What is the impact of Instructional Coaches?

• Consistency in Instruction and Assessment
– Coaches collaborate with teachers and administrators across all schools and grade levels

• Improved Student Performance
– Setting personal teaching goals that result in a change of practice and improved instruction and learning

• Teachers become Reflective Professionals
– Consistent reflection and reevaluation of classroom instruction, strategies, etc., to engage in a process of continuous learning

• Improved Student Morale and Climate
– Students see the whole school community working to make the best learning experience for all. Education is a community effort! 

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