Occupational Therapy

School-based occupational therapy practitioners support academic achievement and social participation by promoting occupation within all school routines, including recess, classroom, and cafeteria time.

We help children fulfill their role as students and prepare them for college, career, and community integration. We utilize prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies for mental and physical health and well-being.

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004), occupational therapy is defined as a “related service,” available to students who receive special education, when the service is “required for a child with a disability to benefit from his or her special education program”.  These services serve as a supportive role in helping the student participate in the school environment, curriculum, and educationally related learning experiences. Therapy services within the school also focus on collaboration with the educational team and parents, with everyone responsible for the outcomes.

At school, a child’s occupation is learning.  In addition to addressing sensory needs, such as calming, alerting or organizing a student, an Occupational Therapist can address handwriting difficulties, fine motor deficits, visual motor coordination, balance, attention, sequencing and problem solving.   Additionally, we implement special modifications, so you may see us introducing slant boards, seat cushions, computer accommodations or weighted vests to achieve the best results for our students.

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