Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program

Talented and Gifted/Enrichment

Identification of Giftedness

What is Giftedness? Just as every individual is unique and exhibits his or her own personality, “giftedness” presents itself differently in every child.  A Talented and Gifted child might be a motivated high-achiever, but it is equally possible that the child’s abilities might not even be evident at first glance.  A gifted student may be one who has strengths in particular academic areas but is average (or struggles) in others.  In order to identify the many different types of giftedness beyond the precocious learner, we need to recognize giftedness across a broad spectrum of children with varying abilities, which may include: twice-exceptional students who are gifted learners but are also learning disabled; children whose abilities may be masked by socio-economic factors; or gifted underachievers who have fallen into behavioral patterns because they have not been sufficiently stimulated and challenged. (Source: Connecticut Association for the Gifted)

Talented and Gifted Screening Process:

In grade 3, all students will take the OLSAT.  If parents/guardians do not want to have their child participate in this screening, they may contact the building principal.   If a student places in the 97 percentile or higher they will be referred to a PPT for TAG eligibility.  Parent/Guardians will be notified if their child scores fall within this eligibility range.   Enrichment activities will be offered for one trimester during the school year.

TAG Staff

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